Escape from Tarkov – “EOD” version no longer available, developers ask for feedback

The developers of Escape from Tarkov are getting serious and taking the biggest edition of the game off the market - and asking the...

Escape from Tarkov – Get your Christmas present for 2023

It's only been a few days since the last wipe in Escape from Tarkov, but you can already secure some additional items in addition...

Escape from Tarkov: Arena – Matchmaking improvements, cash bonus and patch content

Shortly after the last wipe was carried out for the base game Escape from Tarkov and patch was installed, the new spin-off Escape...

Escape from Tarkov – Winter sets in with snow on all maps

Surprisingly, the developers of Escape from Tarkov revealed a new event in yesterday's TarkovTV livestream that brings snowfall and snow-covered maps to the game...

Escape from Tarkov – All information about the Twitch Drops 2023/2024

Escape from Tarkov just recently underwent its latest and biggest wipe, which reset players' progress, all items and in-game money values and brought Patch...

Escape from Tarkov – Patch Patchnotes & official Trailer

The official patch notes for the new patch are here and confirm all the planned content for the upcoming patch for Escape from...

Escape from Tarkov – Most important wipe in the last years on wednesday

It's time for the next wipe for hardcore survival PvP shooter Escape from Tarkov. Developer Battlestate Games announced this earlier today on X (Twitter). We...

Escape from Tarkov: Arena – All info on the beta release

After the developers of Escape from Tarkov had already announced the release of the spin-off for the beginning of December, the time had finally...

Hunt: Showdown – All information about the Tide of Desolation event

With Tide of Desolation, the finale of the Tide event triology in Hunt: Showdown is now upon us, which is also the winter/Christmas event...